Tuesday, July 13, 2010

White Zombie - Astro-Creep: 2000 (1995)

This is the most popular White Zombie record with more than 2.5 million in sales. It's heavyier than La Sexorcisto. They're previous drummer left the band and Testament/Exodus drummer John Tempesta filled in. Long time producer Terry Date one of my personal favorite producers and mixers whose done most of the Pantera albums, Prong and Soundgarden, produced this monstrous record. It ranked number two best album release by Kerrang in 1995. Who can't forget when in Ace Ventura: When Natures Calls, Ventura tries to run the bad guy over with a monster truck while the White Zombie song "Blur the Technicolor" comes on while he trying to hunt him down. They added industrial metal to the record because they just played groove metal on there first official release, I assume they did this because all of a sudden a lot of people were performing groove metal and industrial was popular at this point so they wanted to get away from being compared with Pantera all the time maybe Zombie was inspired by Nine Inch Nails or Ministry. Several distinctions between Zombie and Pantera but, both were on top in the nineties. Songs to check "Super Charger Heaven", "More Human Than Human" and "El Phantasmo and the Chicken-Run Blast-O-Rama".

1. "Electric Head, Pt. 1 (The Agony)" 4:54
2. "Super-Charger Heaven" 3:37
3. "Real Solution #9" 4:44
4. "Creature of the Wheel" 3:25
5. "Electric Head, Pt. 2 (The Ecstasy)" 3:53
6. "Grease Paint and Monkey Brains" 3:49
7. "I, Zombie" 3:31
8. "More Human Than Human" 4:28
9. "El Phantasmo and the Chicken-Run Blast-O-Rama" 4:13
10. "Blur the Technicolor" 4:09
11. "Blood, Milk and Sky" 11:18

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