Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Life of Agony - Soul Searching Sun (1997)

I believe this album is often scrutinized because it's often thought of them selling out because the songs seem radio friendly. I'm pretty sure it probably left the older LOA fans in shock cause they went from River Runs Red to Ugly to this. If it were up to me I'd pick Soul Searching over Ugly. I'm kind of weird like that but, there's several songs I dig on the record which I'd assume that if you heard this album for the first time you couldn't even tell it was them. Even though it sounds like they were going for an alternative rock sound it still has the negative and depressing lyrical approach that Keith Caputo is known for. It's very wide minded and you can either accept them for trying something different or cry that you're band made it out of the underground and grew up literally and metaphorically. Songs to check out "Weeds", "Heroin Dreams" and "Gently Sentimental".

1. "Hope"
2. "Weeds"
3. "Gently Sentimental"
4. "Tangerine"
5. "My Mind is Dangerous"
6. "Neg"
7. "Lead You Astray"
8. "Heroin Dreams"
9. "None"
10. "Angry Tree"
11. "Hemophiliac in Me"
12. "Desire"
13. "Whispers"

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