Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Offspring - Smash (1994)

This album would sell over sixteen million records and it's probably one of the few good punk rock bands I think I've ever liked. Thus, slipping by on the criteria of albums I go over because I have a certain crowd that reads over my blog from time to time and is not bound to attract many that I know who view this. Smash probably is a little more than just punk with some modern rock classics in there. Indeed it follows the kind of poppy punk such as Green Day at this time were getting big. This could be there crossover album if you will since it's heavier than the previous two albums prior to Smash. It suits there older fans and probably there newer fans as well. This prompted there careers to superstars and is a classic regardless if it was super popular or "pop". Songs to check "Come Out and Play", "Self Esteem" and "Killboy Powerhead".

1. "Time to Relax" 0:25
2. "Nitro (Youth Energy)" 2:27
3. "Bad Habit" 3:43
4. "Gotta Get Away" 3:52
5. "Genocide" 3:33
6. "Something to Believe In" 3:17
7. "Come Out and Play" 3:17
8. "Self Esteem" 4:17
9. "It'll Be a Long Time" 2:43
10. "Killboy Powerhead" (The Didjits cover) 2:02
11. "What Happened to You?" 2:12
12. "So Alone" 1:17
13. "Not the One" 2:54
14. "Smash"

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