Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Green Jelly - Cereal Killer Soundtrack (1993)

The comedy rock group Green Jelly is probably on a similar level as the band Gwar looks and weirdness but, with a more preferable sound. I think they were trying to achieve being the stupidest or worst band ever. Maybe they're really smart to include laughs in there song because certainly the metal community always seems to be serious in a manner and anything different always seems to be cool. It's definitely an album of parodies such as Motorhead and The Sex Pistols. Green Jello meant only to be a video band in the first place. They were pretty gutsy to use the riff from Metallica's Enter Sandman which they got sued for which is hard to understand because ellegedly James Hetfield sang backup on Green Jelly's hit "Three Little Pigs" on the same record. Another interesting mention is that Danny Carey and Maynard Keenan played in Green Jello before Tool was even formed. Songs to check out "Three Little Pigs", "Electric Harley House (of Love)" and "House Me Teenage Rave".

1. "Obey the Cowgod" 3:10
2. "Three Little Pigs" 5:54
3. "Cereal Killer" (Edit) 3:30
4. "Rock-N-Roll Pumpkihn" 2:43
5. "Anarchy in Bedrock" 3:29
6. "Electric Harley House (of Love)" 4:37
7. "Trippin' on XTC" 3:42
8. "Misadventures of Shitman" 3:08
9. "House Me Teenage Rave" 4:30
10. "Flight of the Skajaquada" 4:00
11. "Green Jellÿ Theme Song" 2:15

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