Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bonham - The Disregard of Timekeeping (1989)

The debut album of the legendary drummer John Bonham's son Jason Bonham created his own band to keep the legend of his father going on the drums. The album would go gold with help from the songs "Wait For You" and "Guilty". They were one hair metal band out of thousands at the time because if you look at an old Circus magazine, you'll only see glam bands in there. I prefer reading the old Rip Magazines more because they featured less hair metal bands. Enough about back issues, it's not Led Zeppelin that's for sure. They were going for that pop metal sound but, I like the arena rock sound. It sounds massive and has that big atmosphere which they just don't have today at all. I'm not sure who the vocalist is but, he tries to sing like Robert Plant in my opinion. I think Robert Plant was angry when John's son tried to do an album because it could hurt the legacy of Zeppelin like I always hear him comparing the two and that Jason is no where in the same league as John was. Wasn't very supportive, Jason sounds just fine pounding the shit on the drums Mr. Plant... Only over 31,000 plays on, seems people forgot about this album or what? Songs to check out "Wait For You", "Guilty" and "Bringing Me Down".

1. "The Disregard of Timekeeping" - 2:09
2. "Wait for You" - 5:02
3. "Bringing Me Down" - 4:18
4. "Guilty" - 4:37
5. "Holding on Forever" - 4:56
6. "Dreams" - 7:50
7. "Don't Walk Away" - 4:43
8. "Playing to Win" - 6:55
9. "Cross Me and See" - 5:27
10. "Just Another Day" - 4:26
11. "Room for Us All" - 7:13

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